Transforming Education in Africa: a Whole Child Approach

Schaffer& Combs client School-to-School International brings experience and expertise to an extreme challenge in some of the most under-served places on earth.
Kids dropping out.
Every year millions of children in the developing world fail to finish primary school. Drop out rates are almost always higher among girls than boys; the children of those girls are themselves unlikely to ever escape poverty–and this preventable cycle consigns yet another generation to abject misery.
We know how to fix the problem.
Talented people have worked on this problem for decades, but it remains intractable. Here’s the thing that few people understand: we know how to fix it.
Piecemeal approaches do not work.
Most programs attack one or two pieces of the problem. They seek to improve teaching, or provide computers, or foster parental improvement. Other efforts focus on clean water or good health. But you have to create a comprehensive platform; everything from good teaching to good health must be in place. If the child is not healthy, if the teachers are not adequately trained, if education materials are insufficient, if parents and the community are not deeply involved, children will drop out.
School-to-School takes a comprehensive, Whole Child approach.
Early Childhood Education, Health, Wellness, and Water, Local Language Instruction, Parental Engagement, Active Teaching and Learning, Effective School Management, Girls’ Education, Global Citizenship. To date, no one has implemented and measured the Whole Child approach as a single integrated package. It’s time to prove the approach, not one program at a time, but comprehensively.
What we love about this client.
Aside from the passion and expertise of School-to-School’s founders, staff, and board, we love their dedication to measuring things. STS is engaged to implement and monitor education programs all over the world, by USAID, the World Bank, the IMF, the UN. They know what works–and what doesn’t. They know how to prove it. Now it’s time for STS to implement, measure, prove and replicate what they’ve learned over the past three decades.
If we can succeed here, we can succeed everywhere.
STS is now implementing a pilot program targeting 15,000 community members and thousands of students in Guinea, West Africa. After the initial pilot, we will expand to other areas in great need.
STS’s pilot program is underway.
We are keeping close track of their progress. We look forward to reporting on these pages in the next few years that there is a new, proven, way to alleviate poverty for the next generation of children in both developing countries, and places like the United States.
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